Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PPM-001-13-27051966)


Site Visit to Training Programs in Sibu

26 June 2024 • Sibu

Co-chair of the BizFund Recovery, Ms Anne Kung, led a 2-day site visit to Sibu on 21-22.6.24 to assess the progress of two training programs facilitated by the SBF Recovery BizFund program; namely the "Professional Training Program in Patisserie & Bread Making" under the Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & industry (SCCI) where participants honed their baking skills and the  "Ergonomics and Manual Handling at Workplace" organized by the Sarawak Association of Maritime Industries (SAMIN) which focused on enhancing workplace safety practices.

Ergonomics and Manual Handling at Workplace Program at Methodist Pilley Institute (MPI)

Professional Training Program in Patisserie & Bread Making at L.W Patisserie Louis Bakery