Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PPM-001-13-27051966)


Graduation Ceremony : Certificate in Plantation Management

26 June 2024 • Promenade Hotel, Bintulu

The Graduation Ceremony for the Certificate in Plantation Management program, held on June 25, 2024, at Promenade Hotel, Bintulu, celebrated the accomplishment of 29 participants, marking a significant step forward in advancing professional development within the plantation industry.

Facilitated by the Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (SOPPOA) and supported by the SBF Recovery BizFund initiative, the event was attended by Ms. Anne Kung (Co-chair of Recovery BizFund), Mr. Eric Kiu (Chairman of SOPPOA), Datuk Haji Daud Amatzin (Chairman of The Incorporated Society of Planters), and Mr. Hii King Kai (CEO of Pilley Education Enterprise Sdn Bhd).